Viewing entries tagged
novel movement


Expectation and (Neck) Pain

A recent provocative research study has shown that the element of conscious expectation (and subconscious prediction) has a significant modulatory affect on the experience of pain.  In this specific case the researchers focused on neck pain.  This study has also helped to confirm the latest thinking on the multi-dimensional aspects of the origins of pain...  (more)



Your Brain & Riding A (backwards?) Bike

Kathleen stumbled upon a fantastic video showing the effects of neuroplasticity.  Why is it fantastic?  Well, I think it helps us to better understand how we package and execute complex experiential information (for the purposes of this site - "human movement"); and what it takes to make changes to that very well packaged information.  If you are older than 30 this post may be quite important to you...  (more)



The Paint Brush, Neck Pain & Placebo

Just recently, my family and I were returning home from a jaunt up to grandma's house.  I'm usually the car's driver while my wife and daughter assume the luxurious position of passengers.  I should say sleeping passengers...  (more)
