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Santa Rosa

Behind the Scenes of Pain

The human nervous system is a natural wonder.  In fact there is not a day that goes by where I don't find myself amazed by all the processes that are continuously handled so deftly by this grand system.  However, modern neuroscience has begun to show that the vigiliance of this system combined with it's self-maturing predictive system can make for an imperfect and imprecise entity at times... (more)


Your Brain & Riding A (backwards?) Bike

Kathleen stumbled upon a fantastic video showing the effects of neuroplasticity.  Why is it fantastic?  Well, I think it helps us to better understand how we package and execute complex experiential information (for the purposes of this site - "human movement"); and what it takes to make changes to that very well packaged information.  If you are older than 30 this post may be quite important to you...  (more)



Your Mind's Influence On Self - Strength Edition

For some, this posting will be of no surprise.  For others, you may think, "Oh... that's interesting."  Mindfulness has become a fairly ubiquitus term - at least to me, and depending on the person, it may conjure up something like chanting from the yoga ashrams in India or the solitary quietude of Jon Kabat-Zinn's take from a medical perspective... (more)


Pelvic Floor Workshop - FEB 2015!

My wife and I will be facilitating a pelvic floor workshop in Sebastopol this coming February.  Here is a short blurb:

This is an experiential self-care workshop starting with the “floor” of the “core” – demonstrating the functional interrelationships to the hips, back, abdominals & thorax. A supportive pelvic floor is at the same time strong & flexible. Often, it & the surrounding tissues have become unresponsive – both in rigid and slack forms – sometimes presenting with common pelvic issues or disorders. Self-assured adaptability is the key to confident, dynamic and capable physical movement free from discomfort. See and click on the “WORKSHOPS” tab for more detailed information and registration.
santa rosa  sebastopol pelvic floor workshop

See Classes for more detailed information and registration.


What Causes Impaired Movement???

...instability or pain?  Well this past August another study was published showing that pain - independent of biomechanical impairments - can alter muscle recruitment and affect movement capability.  What does this mean to you?  Read on to understand how important it is to your everyday movement...  (more)
